
Engage with patients in the way they prefer most – without the hassle of playing phone tag – and reach them right at their fingertips.

7 out of 10 patients prefer
texting than any other
form of communication

Your patients are constantly bombarded via email, direct mail, and spam phone calls. But with text messaging, studies have shown patient satisfaction is between 77% and 96% when texting patients capabilities are in place.

Reach patients in the ways that they prefer most, cut the time-staking hassle of playing phone tag, and exchange personalized with patients in real-time.


Instantly reach patients through two-way texting. Patients are constantly on their phone, and will respond to text messages 99% of the time.

Text from –
Your Own Number

Send texts using your office’s voice number.

Store Information All
in One Place

All of your patient’s communications are stored in your practice management system for easy access in the future.

Two-way Texting

Immediately Communicate
with Patients Right at
Their Fingertips

Automated Text messages

Our system works 24/7 so you don’t have to. Through automated text messages you can remind patients of upcoming appointments, wish them happy birthday, prompt them to share a review about your practice–and so much more.

Works 24/7 so you don’t have to

Friendly, personalized messages

Automatic sends save your staff time

Convenient for patients

Tracked in your practice management system

Two-way, Personalized
Text Messaging

In addition to our automated solution, you can avoid the hassle of playing phone tag or an email getting lost in an already-crowded inbox, and talk with patients in real-time via text message.

Personalized communications

Reach patients how they want, when they want

Avoid phone tag or lost communications

Set yourself apart from the competition

Elevate your practice’s image and be seen as up-to-date

In healthcare, patients receive 99% of text messages. On average, people only

open emails 20% of the time.


Get Started Today

Free Demo

Improving your patient relationships doesn’t have to be an impossible, insurmountable task. Practice by Numbers makes it easy for you to get up and running in as little as 1 day.
