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The Impact of AI on Dental Cybersecurity: How to Secure Your Practice Against New Threats

February 3, 2025 2 minutes To Read

Protecting Your Dental Practice from Generative AI Threats

A recent trend in cybercrime has been bad actors using generative artificial intelligence tools to run convincing scams. By making use of convincing AI-generated text, imagery, videos, and voices, bad actors are able to more effectively exploit any breaches in cybersecurity. Criminal schemes involving AI software can range from using voice imitation to present a false identity to using AI images to generate promotional materials for a fraudulent business enterprise.

The best way to protect your dental practice from AI cyberthreats is to educate your staff about this new technology so that the entire team can remain vigilant for criminal schemes involving generative AI. Here are a few tips for how to spot and avoid AI cyberthreats:

  • Be careful how much video content is publicly released that features speech by important members of your practice’s staff. Generative AI can learn from these videos to convincingly imitate voice and appearance.
  • Come up with more complicated means of verifying an individual’s identity so that it will be more difficult for generative AI voice and text to be used deceptively.
  • Listen closely on a phone call for any odd vocal tones or inflections, which are often a telltale sign of AI-generated voice being used for imitation.
  • If you receive a suspicious email, double-check against websites or social media profiles belonging to the individual or business. Look for any discrepancies or oddities in the logos and other imagery, which may be a result of imperfect AI generation.

Learn more about generative AI schemes that may be employed against your dental practice.

Sunset Can Secure Your Dental Practice Against AI Cyberthreats

Sunset Technologies has diligently stayed up to date with the ways in which bad actors use generative AI technology to exploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Our security team operates behind the scenes to enhance cybersecurity for our clients. Their expertise allows us to thoroughly investigate cyber incidents, assess potential impacts, and take decisive action to secure systems. This team specializes in identifying vulnerabilities, removing unauthorized access, and restoring compromised environments to a safe state.

Author: Daniel Easty | Director of Strategic Partnerships

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